I'm in Calcutta! I only have a little bit of time, so I will just give you a little overview of the city :
- its warm :)
- the people are SO friendly. and sometimes act like they have never seen white people. they treat us like celebrities...i feel bad!
- it is pretty safe here...perhaps safer than a US city? (its a different kind of safe...like no one would try to hurt you)
- at the market, everyone tries to rip you off. its like a game. only sometimes not that fun :) so my friend and i asked tapped on a lady's shoulder and asked her how much earrings usually cost, and she was SOOOO helpful. Her name is Shirin, and she took us to her friend's shop and asked them to give u sthe real prices. :) also, she invited us to go to her church and dinner at her house, which was the best experience ever. :) hopefully i will get to spend more time with her and her family while we are here - i really like them!
- we rode rickshaws home...check out the videos. :)
- traffic is CRAZY! and a part of me really likes it. it is SO chaotic, but i haven't seen one accident. :) (imagine crossing the street. the rule is "no hesitiation"...its kind of like Frogger)
- the food is divine! :)
- I worked with a lot of little boys yesterday...they are super sweet. (and hold your hands/ arms 24/7 and say "auntie, auntie, auntie!" haha). in the picture, one is playing with my water bottle. kind of gross, but what can you do ? :)
Alrighty...there is a little update for now. This next week we are working in the Mother Teresa House with sick people and in the red light district, and I would appreciate your prayer SO much - It is going to be intense!
I really like your punjabi! :) See you in June. /Rebecca's sister.