We are leaving for India in one week from yesterday! In less than 200 hours, I will be in muggy, hot (about 110 degrees and super humid) and hungry (for Jesus, but I have a feeling that "hungry" in the literal sense is highly probable as well) India, and I am SO excited! After 40 hours of traveling we will be in India for 5 weeks, then in Thailand for 4. I'm not sure how often I will have internet access, but if/when I do, I will update this little baby and let you know what's up.
I would appreciate it a ton if you could keep me and my team in your prayers :) Here are my prayer requests:
- that I would be selfless and satisfied. AKA that I would be willing to sacrifice my comfort, security, plans, lists, etc. to serve Jesus and the people there, and that I would be content in the present and not constantly dwelling on the past or future (which is a very natural thing for me to do).
- that our team would continue to walk in unity and joy. These are definitely our strengths, and I feel like the challenges we face have the potential to rock them a little.
- that we would be fruitful in the work we do/ lives we live there.
- that God would protect us.
- Also, 1/3 of my team is going to be in a different country (that I probably shouldn't say online...feel free to ask my mom family if you are curious) that is a bit sketchy while I am in Thailand...if you could pray for their safety too, that would be great!
If you want to learn more about what I'll be doing, feel free to watch these videos (of similar ministries in the area):
Oh dang - this is getting really long really fast. A quicky update of my life =

- JON AND LAURA CAME FOR THEIR SPRING BREAK! It was SO much fun! We went surfing, swung on swings on the beach, went to ice cream, slept in my backyard in a tent (brr!), went to San Luis Obispo with my photography class (see picture), made banana bread and homemade lemonade from the lemons in my backyard, went to the dunes, had a campfire, slept in that the tent again, but with a lot more blankets :), etc...sheesh! SOOO much fun in 48 hours!
- I decided I am going to go to Whitworth University for school this fall. God is so good and helped guide me x 100000. Thanks you for your prayers!
- We have been doing our art show around the area to raise awareness about child soldiers and sex slavery. Our last show was Sunday and it went really well!
- I have been going surfing just about every weekend and got to surf twice on Saturday. It will probably be my last time surfing until this summer :(, but it was the most beautious day and the best waves I have ever surfed. (And I almost hit a seal in the water...oops!)
Also, my friend just informed me that this is day 86 out of 160 of our DTS. So I will see you in a shorter amount of time than I have been here - AKA 2.5 months!
Alrighty - thanks so much for reading this update and for your prayers! Its crazy to think that the next time I update this I will be halfway around the world. :)
Mary! I can't believe the time is so close for your travels. We are thinking of you and will be praying for you during your amazing trip. Try not to melt! :)
ReplyDeleteMay God continue to bless you and mold you.
Elaine, Seth and Ethan
PS - LOVE the picture of you and Jon and Laura!
man, visiting you = highlight of the year so far.
ReplyDeleteIndia and Thialand... We will pray for you a ton... so go get some surfing in before you go:)
ReplyDeleteah mary! Praying for you. :) say hi to india for me! and thailand too. I will be praying for you as i sit on my long flight! Cant wait to hear about it :)